Have a Sewer Emergency?

For sewer related emergencies please call 956-580-8780. The line is available
24 hours a day for sewer emergencies.

For other water related issues, please report the problem
to the MyMission311 app or call 956-585-3111

Make a Payment



Ordinance 5243 Drainage

Ordinance 5244 Water/Sewer


Paperless Billing Option Sign-Up Form

Water Service Application

Solicitud de Servicios

Disconnection Reconnection Form


  • Applications require a valid driver’s license or state issued ID (Mexican Nationals can use a current passport, visa or matricula) for each person requesting services.
  • A formal rental lease/agreement if renting, otherwise warranty deed or deed of trust.


  • Auto Bank Draft forms need to be submitted with a copy of a void check to confirm account and routing number.

Please print, fill out and email to: utilitydept@missiontexas.us

Utility Billing and Collections Manager

Joe Enriquez
(956) 580-8660

Utility Billing

The Business Office is responsible for billing and collection of payments for water, garbage, drainage and sewer   services provided by the City of Mission.
We are located inside City Hall at 1201 E. 8th Street. Lobby hours of operation are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Connecting New Utility Services

New customers requesting water, waste-water, and/or sanitation services with the City of Mission, must apply in person at the Business Office in City Hall. If you are unable to apply in person, you may send someone with an informal letter of authorization signed by you with the items listed below or you may fax all items to 956-580-8659. Attn: Utility Billing Department or submit via email  to  utilitydept@missiontexas.us  You will be contacted by a representative for payment instructions if submitting request electronically. 

*Requests received after 3 p.m. may be processed until the following business day. 

All faucets or water-related appliances must be turned off or services will not be turned until customer contacts the Business Office to schedule a second attempt. 

 Residential Service Requirements:

Valid driver’s license or state issued ID (Mexican Nationals can use a current passport, visa or matricula) for each person requesting services. 

A formal rental lease/agreement if renting, otherwise warranty deed or deed of trust. 

Completed Utility Service Application-Residential (Residential/Commercial Applications (English)

Commercial Service Requirements:

Owner/President/Manager’s driver’s license or state issued ID. 

A formal rental lease/agreement if renting, otherwise closing 

warranty deed or deed of trust. 

 Documents establishing business structure or Business Permit will be required for business entities. 

Completed Utility Service Application-Commercial (Residential/Commercial Applications (English)

Water & Sewer Taps Requirements:

Requests must be done in person. If you are unable to apply in person, you may send someone with an informal letter of authorization signed by you with the items listed below or you may fax all items to 956-580-8659. Attn: Utility Billing Department or submit via email  to utilitydept@missiontexas.us  You will be contacted by a representative for payment instructions if submitting request electronically.

Information Required:

Completed Water Tap Application (Water_Tap_Application)


Subdivision Name and Lot number

Building Permit

*For a 1″ Meter or Larger you need to contact Public Works at 956-580-8780 for pre-approval.

Disconnecting Utility Services

Requests to disconnect service must be made by the account holder or other authorized person on the account in person or by emailing the disconnection form to utilitydept@missiontexas.us

Transferring Service

Requests must be done in person by account holder.

Contact Information

Office address and phone number:

  • 1201 E. 8th St.
    Mission, Texas 78572
    Ph: 956-580-8660

Hours of Operation

Office Operating hours:

  • Monday – Friday
    8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.

Drive-thru hours for payments: (only cash and checks will be accepted. Must have water bill)

  • Monday – Thursday
    8:00 A.M. – 5:30 P.M.
  • Fridays
    8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.

New water service applications are taken:

  • Monday – Friday
    8:00 A.M. – 3:30 P.M.

The Utility Billing Department offers Mission residents the option to pay their water bill by the following methods:

  • In person at City Hall (5% credit card fee applies)
  • Drive-thru available.
  • Drafting of checking account via bank draft each month.
  • By Phone at 1-833-277-0389 ($1.25 Fee)
  • Payment Drop-off Box
  • Utility Online at http://www.municipalonlinepayments.com/missiontx ($1.25 fee)
  • Walmart
  • HEB




Sanitary Sewer Rates

Fixed Rate Variable Sewage Quantity Multiplication Factor
A1 Single Res. 9.00 1.45 Sewer
(Based on water consumption)
A2 Commercial 11.50 2.50 Water Consumption 1.0
A3 Inst. Gov. 9.00 1.45 Water Consumption 1.0
A4 Trailer Park 9.00 1.45 Water Consumption 1.0
A5 Industrial 11.50 3.18 Water Consumption 1.0
A8 Residential Outside 26.00 N/A Sewer Average 1.0
A9 Residential Inactive 9.00 1.45 Sewer Average 1.0





















Water Rates


Residential Institutions, Government, Trailer Parks Inside City Outside City
Up to 3/4 for 999 gals or less (Including, but not limited) $11.50 $14.44
1 inch 12.44 15.63
1 1/2 inch 34.73 49.80
2 inch 43.85 62.89
3 inch 62.15 89.11
4 inch 80.39 115.17
6 inch 130.06 186.44
8 inch 519.15 744.10






















Commercial, Industrial

$12.50 $15.62








From 999 to 19,999 From 20,000+
A1 Single Res. 2.25 2.50
A2 Commercial 2.50 2.75
A3 Inst. Gov. 2.25 2.50
A4 Trailer Park 2.25 2.50
A5 Industrial 2.50 2.75
A8 Outside 2.87 3.26
A9 Inactive 2.25 2.50

Ordinance No. 3149 adopted by the City Council

Residential garbage service is provided twice a week and brush pick up is once a month by our Sanitation Dept. For additional information on service days for your area, please call our office at 583-2564.

An additional service provided by our department is temporary disconnection which is defined as follows:

  • Temporary disconnection means you will be billed $3.00 for every month you are away and a $20 service fee is charged for restoring your service.
  • A $25.00 reconnection fee will be charged to accounts that have been disconnected due to nonpayment.
  • 5% Late fee will be charged if current bill is not paid by the due date. (20 days from date of mailing)

Trash/Brush Pick up Schedule

Trash Pick Up Schedule

Brush Pick Up Schedule