IT Director
Abram Ramirez

(956) 580-8688

Mr. Ramirez brings over 15 years of Information Technology experience to the City of Mission. He previously worked for Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office as IT Manager and previous to that for Valley View ISD as IT Director.He holds a Master of Science degree in Information Technology from the University of Florida Institute of Technology.  Additionally, he has received a Bachelor of Arts in Computer Information Systems from the University of St. Edwards.


Systems Administrator– Joel Magallan
IT Assistant – Claudia Barajas

About the IT Department

The I.T. Department combined brings to the City of Mission over 50 years experience in the field of Information Technology.

The IT department is always looking for ways to utilize the city’s equipment more productively as well as support and enforce city computer use policy.

We make sure that all city-owned computers, including hardware, software and network infrastructure, are working properly. Our network infrastructure includes both Local Area and Wide Area Networks.

We serve as the support team for city employees who encounter computer problems and finding the solutions to software, hardware and network problems.

The IT Department keeps computer users updated with the best hardware and software available. Security is of the utmost importance with our computers within the city and the I.T. Department takes proper precautions to keep the City of Mission’s Network safe.

We currently support all departments with the exception of the Police Department.