Please mark the appropriate response:
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
Neighborhood Safety
My neighborhood is safe during the day.
My neighborhood is safe at night.
My neighborhood feels safe compared to other neighborhoods in town.
The relationship between police officers and residents is good in my neighborhood.
The Police Department is working to reduce crime in my neighborhood.
My contact with uniformed Mission Police Officers has been satisfactory.
Crime in my neighborhood seems to be declining.
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
The Mission Police Department is effective at dealing with:
Violent crime (robberies, rapes, assaults, homicides)
Property crimes (burglary, theft, auto-theft)
Nuisance problems (noise, graffiti, vandalism, code-enforcement issues, etc.)
Traffic enforcement (speeding, DUI, school zone violations, etc.)
Parking and abandoned vehicle problems
Youth delinquency and gang issues
Drug enforcement (manufacturing and sales of drugs, possession, etc.)
Security at area elementary, middle school, and high school
Please mark the appropriate response:
Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree
Community Confidence
If I witnessed a crime in Mission, I would not hesitate to notify the police.
If I were the victim of a crime in Mission, I am confident that it would be fully investigated.
The Police Department has adequate crime prevention programs.
The Police Department has adequate prevention programs focused on youth issues.
I have confidence in the leadership of the Mission Police Department.

What are the biggest problems in your neighborhood?
Select three: