The Mission Police Departments Criminal Investigation Bureau is composed of a team of Criminal Investigators, Juvenile Crime Investigators, task force officers, and a traffic investigations unit. Our adult crime Criminal Investigators Section is made up of crimes against persons, property crimes, juvenile crimes unit, traffic investigations, and crime scene unit
All crimes reported are assigned to a detective based on the detectives’ area of expertise. Criminal Investigations is responsible for follow-up investigation on criminal offenses reported to the police.
The juvenile unit is comprised of three investigators. This unit is responsible for juvenile programs and investigations of juvenile related offenses. Our juvenile investigators have an excellent working relationship with the Mission and Sharyland School districts.
Several of our investigators are also assigned to various federal agencies as Task Force Officers. These agencies include the Federal Bureau of Investigations, Homeland Security, United States Marshals Service, and the Drug Enforcement Administration.
The Traffic Investigation Unit serves the citizens of Mission in all phases of traffic enforcement, collision investigation and public education. The investigators in this unit receive extensive training in collision reconstruction and crash analysis to perform their job functions.