Hotel Tips
Before your trip
- Copy all credit cards, airline tickets, passports and important documents, front and back.
- Jewlery and luggage and all valuables should be photographed prior to trip.
When arriving and checking into your hotel room
- If you arrive in a bus or cab, stay with your luggage until it is brought into the hotel lobby.
- Keep a close eye on your luggage, purse, and other items when checking in.
- If the lobby is busy, thieves will often take advantage of the distractions to take your things with them.
- Be aware of people standing next to you or listening to your check-in conversation
- When registering, sign only your last name and first initial. Don’t use titles or degrees. Make it harder to determine gender, martial status, or profession.
- If you are a women traveling alone, you might consider booking your room as a Mr. and Mrs.
- Don’t leave your credit card lying on the check-in counter while you complete your registration. Also make sure the credit card that is handed back to you by the hotel clerk is really yours.
- Instruct the desk not to give out your name and room number and ask for them to call you if someon inquires about you.
- Immediately upon check in, get two business cards or matchbooks with the hotel name and address on them. Place one by the phone in the room so you know where you are and keep the other on you when you leave so you know where to come back to if you get lost.
Business Parking Lot Safety Tips
Here are some helpful parking lot safety tips that may help you reduce the risk of becoming a victim of a crime:
- Be aware of your surroundings and don’t allow yourself to be distracted (children, packages, cell phone, etc.).
- Avoid walking alone at night. Get a co-worker or friend to take you to your car.
- Walk with purpose as multiple studies have shown that a quick, purposeful walk sends subconscious sign to predators that you are not an easy mark.
- Keep a hand free at all times. This gives you the opportunity to attempt to fend-off a would-be attacker.
- Walk in the middle of aisles and ramps versus using a parking garage, stairs, or an eleveator as they benefit predators.
- Park in a well-lighted area. Back into parking spaces where possible, allow for quick, easy exit.
- Avoid parking next to vans, pickups, or other large vehicles. They can hide your vehicle making it easier to break in or for an attacker to hide.
- Remember where you parked so you don’t spend unnecessary time walking the parking lot.
- Have your keys ready when approaching your car. Keep a whistle on your key chain or hand on car alarm if available.
- If you have an unlocking button or keyless entry system, unlock driver door only.
- Check your car before getting in. Look under and around the vehicle and also look in the back seats and on the floor.
- Once in your vehicle, lock the doors, turn on the lights, and get moving. This will limit the time you spend idle in the car.
- Note locations of emergency phones, parking attendants and security.
- Never leave an I.D. tag on your key ring. If lost or stolen a thief may find you, your car, or your house.
- Always report any suspicious activites to parking attendants, security or call the police. If you feel you are being followed walk or run quickly to a lighted store or where crowds of people can offer help.
- Know where to go for help – security guard, police station, fire house, grocery store, etc. Do not go home.