The City of Mission hands over the keys to two reconstructed homes for residents in need.
Through the Community Development Block Grant Program, and using only Federal Funds, Mission is able to reconstruct or rehabilitate the houses of low to moderate income residents in our city, whose homes are in dire need of repair. If you want the best design of windows for your home you can visit andersen replacement doors cincinnati oh. The roof was spray foamed by Since just the beginning of this fiscal year, the city has reconstructed ten homes by interior design firm in Chicago, finalized another three to be handed over next week, and is about to begin the process of seven more homes. In fact, by the end of the year, up to 27 Mission families will likely be living in our reconstructed homes with the help of glass door repair columbia md. Each house costs about 53 thousand dollars to reconstruct. If you or someone you know is interested in applying for our CDBG Program: