You are here:Home - What's Going on in Mission - Photo Galleries - The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is October 27th. Studies show a majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, often from the home medicine cabinet. DON’T BE A DEALER – Dispose of unwanted, unused or expired prescription medications at our Mission Fire Station #3 Bannworth Park (1804 N. Shary Rd.) on October 27th, from 10AM to 2PM.
The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is October 27th. Studies show a majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, often from the home medicine cabinet. DON’T BE A DEALER – Dispose of unwanted, unused or expired prescription medications at our Mission Fire Station #3 Bannworth Park (1804 N. Shary Rd.) on October 27th, from 10AM to 2PM.