During Monday’s Mission City Council Meeting, five animals from our City of Mission Adopt-A-Pet Program found homes, as our City of Mission Mayor and City Council proclaimed April to be “Animal Cruelty Prevention Month” in the City of Mission!
The City of Mission Adopt-A-Pet Program and Palm Valley Animal Shelter/The Laurie P. Andrews Paw Center advocate for unwanted, abandoned or stray animals and work towards the adoption of these pets to new loving families. We ask residents to report the abuse and cruelty of all animals to the City of Mission Animal Control Department.
How to get a therapy dog is just as critical to people suffering from mental health issues as physical help is for people with the kinds of disabilities that the ADA outlines.
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We would like to commend the efforts of other rescue organizations such as RGV Low Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic, Cinderella Pet Rescue, Inc, Forgotten Friends Texas Rescue RGV, Recycled Rover and Friends, United 4 Paws, Mercy 4 the Voiceless, Yaqui Animal Rescue, Fr. Roy Snipes Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, Mission Consolidated Independent School District and Pawstories for taking a stand against all forms of animal abuse and neglect.