City of Mission hosts mowing lien amnesty program – Property owners can save big money on administrative fees.
The Mission City Council approved an amnesty program for its weedy lot mowing policy. Residents can now save on interest, penalty fees and administrative costs added to the expense of having city staff mow weedy lots for property owners.
“Our goal is always to beautify our city and keep our community clean and orderly,” City Manager Randy Perez said. “Now is a great opportunity for residents to come forward and pay their fines without having to pay those extra administrative fees.”
The program runs through Sept. 30, 2019. The purpose of the amnesty program is to help property owners who have accrued interest with the city, due to mowing liens.
“The City of Mission is doing this to collect the money the city has spent to mow weedy lots. There are more than 1,000 lots that have outstanding fees,” Finance Director Angie Vela said. “We’re encouraging property owners to take advantage of this program now because they can save in fees that are owed on mowing liens.”
Payment of the principal amount owed, plus fees paid to record the lien must be paid in full to capitalize on the amnesty program. Release of the lien at the Hidalgo County Clerk’s Office will also be at the property owner’s expense.
People with liens against their property who would like to take advantage of the amnesty program can do so by calling the City of Mission Finance Department at 580-8685 or by visiting Mission City Hall and speaking with Angie Vela.